Supporting Ukraine Since 2003.

Ukraine Friendship Association was established to bring together Korea and Ukraine through supporting the lives of the next generation in Ukraine through charity work.

Ukraine Friendship Association is an official partner with the Ukraine Parliament and Ukraine Embassy in Korea.


You can change the future generation of Ukraine.

Refugee families and orphans are in dire need of medical supplies, clothing, food, water, sanitary items, and other basic necessities.

Our Current Projects

  • Medical Aid

    Children and adults are in need of pain relievers, fever reducers, antibiotics, and other emergency drugs. We purchase medicine and distribute them through the local communities.

  • Food

    Food stockpiles are very low in Ukraine and many fleeing families have no food to eat and have to rational the little amount over many days.

  • Clothing

    Many families fled their homes with only one backpack and the clothing on their backs. The temperatures are cold and new clothing is needed.

  • Disabled Refugees

    Disabled refugees are one of the most overlooked people in need. With difficulty traveling and needing aid, they are the most vulnerable.

  • Sanitary Items

    Sanitary items are essential for women and children. Soap and other sanitation goods prevent illness for refugee families.

  • Orphan Assistance

    Many children have lost their families or have been sent alone to escape the war. These children need adult supervision, schooling, and aid reuniting with family members.